Our Courses

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)

In this course, you will be able develop a systems view for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare. By then end of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe a minimum of four key events in the history of patient safety and quality improvement, 2) define the key characteristics of high reliability organizations, and 3) explain the benefits of having strategies for both proactive and reactive systems thinking.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 6 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Ordered Data Structures

Ordered Data Structures

In this course, you will learn new data structures for efficiently storing and retrieving data that is structured in an ordered sequence. Such data includes an alphabetical list of names, a family tree, a calendar of events or an inventory organized by part numbers. The specific data structures covered by this course include arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks, trees, binary trees, AVL trees, B-trees and heaps. This course also shows, through algorithm complexity analysis, how these structures enable the fastest algorithms to search and sort data.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 19 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Parallel Programming in Java

Parallel Programming in Java

This course teaches learners (industry professionals and students) the fundamental concepts of parallel programming in the context of Java 8. Parallel programming enables developers to use multicore computers to make their applications run faster by using multiple processors at the same time.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 19 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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The Digital Marketing Revolution

The Digital Marketing Revolution

The Digital Revolution is dramatically altered the way many products are created, promoted, distributed, and consumed. Before the advent of new digital technologies such as the Internet, personal computer and smartphone, marketing was largely an Analog (i.e., physical) activity. Today, many marketing activities such as how products are promoted are increasingly Digital in nature. However, we still live in an Analog (or physical) World. For example, even today, most sales are still conducted in physical stores.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 27 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Applied AI with DeepLearning

Applied AI with DeepLearning

>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the End User License Agreement as set out in the FAQ. Once enrolled you can access the license in the Resources area This course, Applied Artificial Intelligence with DeepLearning, is part of the IBM Advanced Data Science Certificate which IBM is currently creating and gives you easy access to the invaluable insights into Deep Learning models used by experts in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Time Series Analysis, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about the fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Neural Networks.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 25 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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إستراتيجية الأعمال المتقدمة

إستراتيجية الأعمال المتقدمة

عزّز مهارات التحليل الإستراتيجي لديك في هذه السلسلة الخاصة بأسس إستراتيجية الأعمال. في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعلم الأدوات اللازمة لتحليل الإستراتيجية عبر الزمن (الديناميكيات التنافسية) والصناعات (إستراتيجية الشركات) والمناطق الجغرافية (الإستراتيجيات الدولية) والمؤسسات (الإستراتيجيات غير السوقية). وسنقدم لك الأدوات التي تحتاجها لعمل تقييم شامل وفهم ديناميكيات الإستراتيجية في أي صناعة: دورة الحياة التنافسية وتحليل التدويل وأصحاب المصلحة ومصفوفات التنوع. سنقوم بتطبيق هذه الأدوات عبر دراسة حالات لبعض الشركات الرائدة مثل Disney وOrascom Telecom Holding وSony وGE Healthcare India.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 12 hours
  • Arabic
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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أسس القيادة اليومية

أسس القيادة اليومية

في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعلم أسس القيادة اليومية واتخاذ القرارات الفردية والجماعية وإدارة التحفيز. تتمثل الأهداف في معرفة سبب الأهمية البالغة لمهارات القيادة لنجاح المنظمة ومعرفة كيفية ذلك، بجانب تعلّم أسس مهارات القيادة الفعّالة.

يستفيد المتعلمون:
•\tمعرفة سبب أهمية مهارات القيادة للنجاح المؤسسي وكيفية تطبيقها.
•\tمعرفة كيفية استخدام مهارات القيادة للعمل بشكل أكثر فعاليّة مع الآخرين، والقدرة على تنظيم مجموعات للعمل معًا بشكل أكثر فعاليّة.
•\tالقدرة على تطبيق أسس مهارات القيادة الفعّالة أثناء مواجهة المواقف اليومية التي يتعرض لها القادة.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15 hours
  • Arabic
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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التحوّل الرقمي

التحوّل الرقمي

التحول الرقمي موضوع مثير للاهتمام، ولكن ماذا يُقصد به بالضبط؟ وماذا يعني للشركات؟ في هذه الدورة التدريبيّة، نتحدث عن التحوّل الرقمي بطريقتين. أولًا، نناقش وتيرة التغيّر والضرورة التي يفرضها لنجاح الأعمال. ثم نقدّم سياق هذا التحوّل وما الذي يحتاج إليه لتحقيق النجاح في عصر التكنولوجيا الرقمية. وبعد ذلك، نستعرض إطار ملكية مجموعة بوسطن الاستشارية (BCG)، الذي يساعدك في تحديد المجالات الرئيسية التي يُمكن تحويلها إلى الصيغ الرقمية، ومنها الاستراتيجية، والعمليات الأساسية، والتكنولوجيا.

بنهاية هذه الدورة التدريبيّة، ستتمكّن من:

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15 hours
  • Arabic
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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مبادئ الإعلام والتسويق الرقمي

مبادئ الإعلام والتسويق الرقمي

أحدثت الثورة الرقمية تغييرًا هائلًا في مشهد التواصل التسويقي، بينما أوجدت فرصًا جديدة للشركات لكي تصل إلى المستهلكين وتتفاعل معهم من خلال تقنيات الوسائط الذكية ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والاتصالات الجوالة. في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعرف على تأثيرات التقنيات الرقمية على إستراتيجيات وممارسات التواصل التسويقي. بفهم العمليات الأساسية للتواصل التسويقي والميزات الجوهرية لتقنيات وسائط الإعلام الجديدة، يمكنك بطريقة إستراتيجية اختيار القنوات المناسبة لتوصيل الرسالة التسويقية الصحيحة للجمهور الصحيح في اللحظة الصحيحة.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 20 hours
  • Arabic
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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مهارات برنامج Excel للعمل: المبادئ الأساسية

مهارات برنامج Excel للعمل: المبادئ الأساسية

في هذه الدورة التدريبية الأولى في تخصص مهارات برنامج Excel للعمل، ستتعلم المبادئ الأساسية لبرنامج Microsoft Excel. في غضون ستة أسابيع، ستتعلم التنقل بشكل محترف في واجهة مستخدم برنامج Excel، وإجراء الحسابات الأساسية باستخدام الصيغ والدالات، وتنسيق جداول البيانات بشكل باحترافي، وإنشاء تصورات للبيانات من خلال المخططات والرسوم البيانية.‏

وسواء أكنت قد تعلمت ذاتيًا وتريد أن تسد الفجوات لفعالية وإنتاجية أفضل، أو إذا لم تكن قد استخدمت برنامج Excel من قبل، فإن هذه الدورة التدريبية ستزودك بأساس متين لكي تصبح مستخدمًا واثقًا وتطور مهارات أكثر تقدمًا في الدورات التدريبية اللاحقة.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 26 hours
  • Arabic
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Concurrency in Go

Concurrency in Go

Learn how to implement concurrent programming in Go. Explore the roles of channels and goroutines in implementing concurrency. Topics include writing goroutines and implementing channels for communications between goroutines. Course activities will allow you to exercise Go’s capabilities for concurrent programming by developing several example programs.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 9 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Data Structures and Performance

Data Structures and Performance

How do Java programs deal with vast quantities of data? Many of the data structures and algorithms that work with introductory toy examples break when applications process real, large data sets. Efficiency is critical, but how do we achieve it, and how do we even measure it?\n\nThis is an intermediate Java course. We recommend this course to learners who have previous experience in software development or a background in computer science, and in particular, we recommend that you have taken the first course in this specialization (which also requires some previous experience with Java).

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 42 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive

Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive

‘Disruption’ has become a buzz word in the business world. But what is a disruptive change-maker? In this course you will learn how to deploy disruptive strategic thinking to develop or protect your organisation’s competitive advantage. The most innovative and successful companies have all fundamentally disrupted and reshaped existing industries, or created completely new ones. But which strategies and technologies can you use to be disruptive and take the next step for your organisation?

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 17 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Professional development: Improve yourself, always

Professional development: Improve yourself, always

The world of work is characterised by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic environment, one of the most critical skills for leaders is their capacity to learn and to adapt; to engage in the continuous development of their skills in managing and leading others. This course will assist you in the ongoing development of your skills and abilities by focusing on the nature of the self-development process. You will reflect on and develop self-awareness of your current leadership style to understand the strengths you need to develop and which challenges you will face as a leader.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 18 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Advanced Writing

Advanced Writing

Course 3: Advanced Writing\n\nThis is the third course in the Academic English: Writing specialization.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 20 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON

JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON

In this course, we'll look at the JavaScript language, and how it supports the Object-Oriented pattern, with a focus on the unique aspect of how JavaScript approaches OO. We'll explore a brief introduction to the jQuery library, which is widely used to do in-browser manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) and event handling. You'll also learn more about JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which is commonly used as a syntax to exchange data between code running on the server (i.e.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 26 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses

Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses

Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses is the third course in the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. In this course, you'll use analytical elements of SQL for answering business intelligence questions. You'll learn features of relational database management systems for managing summary data commonly used in business intelligence reporting. Because of the importance and difficulty of managing implementations of data warehouses, we'll also delve into storage architectures, scalable parallel processing, data governance, and big data impacts.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 71 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding

Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding

In this transformative course, you will master the essential techniques of self-marketing and personal branding that are critical for success in the contemporary job market. The course, part of a broader specialization on career self-management training and certification, introduces a comprehensive approach to strategic self-marketing, including the innovative use of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) for self-coaching.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 27 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English

Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English

Roughly half of the world’s population is already online and so setting yourself apart from the crowd is more important than ever before. One of the best ways to do that is by creating your own ePortfolio. An ePortfolio is a site that showcases or shows your background, your resume, and samples of your work. In this course, you will learn step by step how to build the site and you’ll learn the grammar, vocabulary and writing skills needed to create it.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 13 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Interfacing with the Arduino

Interfacing with the Arduino

Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from add-on devices such as sensors, and can control the world around it by adjusting lights, motors, and other actuators. In this class you will learn how and when to use the different types of sensors and how to connect them to the Arduino. Since the external world uses continuous or analog signals and the hardware is digital you will learn how these signals are converted back-and-forth and how this must be considered as you program your device.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 11 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I

Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. In the United States alone, millions of job advertisements requiring Excel skills are posted every day.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 28 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone

Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone

Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how to identify and make a strong personal introduction. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions: how to agree or disagree, how to clarify, restate and summarize. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. You will study and role play effective interviewing.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 16 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict

Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict

Modern organisations are characterised by increasingly higher levels of uncertainty, complexity and diversity. In our current globalised work environment, how can you manage the power and politics that persistently influence organisational decision-making? Being savvy about organisational politics and having the nous to negotiate and resolve conflict is a critical capability for managers at all levels. This course will develop your negotiation and conflict resolution skills – crucial to becoming a positive influence in your organisation.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 14 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Sequence Models

Sequence Models

In the fifth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will become familiar with sequence models and their exciting applications such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), and more.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 37 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II

Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. In this third course of our Excel specialization Excel Skills for Business you will delve deeper into some of the most powerful features Excel has to offer.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 29 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 239.99 + VAT
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