商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales

商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales


如果你在营销、销售或是广告部工作,你已经知道有效率的沟通是必要的。当你要用英文并用说服他人的方式来表达你的想法,这可能会是很困难的。在本课程,你和全球的成功专业人士加入学习行列时,你将学到有效地使用英文。当你随着在营销部工作的真实情境的人物,看着他们努力地提升他们的沟通技巧,同时你也会提高你的能力。从你的成功和失败的经验中学习,反省你自己的沟通方式、优点和需改进的方面。上完本课程后,你将能够: ● 透过有效率的电子邮件、报告和有说服力的简报来表达你的想法 ● 学习有关市场调查研究、品牌建立,直接营销和广告费用等字汇和用语 ● 对于你商务英语沟通能力的效率,立即获得全世界的销售和营销专业人士的回馈 ● 成为提升商务英语沟通能力全球商务专业人士社群的一份子 If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful global professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve their communication skills. Learn from your successes and failures, reflect on your own style, strengths, and improvement areas. After taking this course, you will be able to: ● Express your ideas through efficient emails, reports and persuasive presentations ● Learn words and phrases related to market research, branding, direct marketing, advertising costs, etc. ● Get instant feedback about the efficiency of your business communication skills in English from sales and marketing professionals from around the world ● Become part of a global community of business professionals who are developing their English communication skills

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Course by

  • self
    Self paced
  • domain
    Domain Language Learning
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription
    Course is included in
    1. Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
    2. Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • fee
    Buy Now Option not available
  • language
    Language Chinese