Facial Keypoint Detection with PyTorch

Facial Keypoint Detection with PyTorch


In this 2-hour project-based course, you will be able to : - Understand the Facial Keypoint Dataset and you will write a custom dataset class for Image-Keypoint dataset. Additionally, you will apply keypoint augmentation to augment images as well as its keypoints. For keypoint augmentation you will use albumentation library. You will plot the image keypoint pair. - Load a pretrained state of the art convolutional neural network using timm library. - Create train function and evaluator function which will helpful to write training loop. Moreover, you will use training loop to train the model. - Lastly, you will use trained model to find keypoints given any image.

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Course by

  • self
    Self paced
  • dueration
    Duration 2 hours
  • domain
    Domain Personal Development
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription Option not available
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  • language
    Language English