


互联网正在改变人们生活的方方面面,现在终于开始冲击工业文明的顽固堡垒——学校教育、考试模式了!一场重要的攻坚战,是在学校教育的基石——课程领域展开的,突破口是由MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)打开的。教育改变命运,学习开创未来,而教育的未来显然与MOOCs密切相关……要想了解什么是MOOCs?它将给大学乃至整个学校教育带来什么样的变化?如何以此为契机创新学习方式和考试模式?……就赶快加盟我们的《网络课程与学习评价》探索之旅吧! 在这里,你一定能找到志同道合的学习伙伴,找到提升创造性学习能力的钥匙,找到超越自我,成为终身学习者的内在动力……让我们一起"求师问道",共同开创东西方教育对话交融,现实与网络阴阳互补,教师与学生协同创新的"太极学堂”! The Internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and it has finally started to work on an obstinate fortress of industrial civilization: school education and evaluation! An important change has been taking place in school curriculum, a cornerstone of school education. The breakthrough of the change has been made by MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Education makes a difference in life, learning creates the future, and the future of education is inevitably related to MOOCs…What is MOOC? What changes will it bring to universities or schooling? How can we take advantage of this opportunity and create new learning and testing models?… Please join us in our “Tai ji school” and explore Online Courses and Learning Evaluation! You can find learning pals with common goals; you can find the key to promoting creative learning; you can find the inner motivator to transcend yourself and to become a life-long learner… Let’s seek masters, approach the truth, innovate education, and create the future!

About the Course Provider

Coursera provides access to more than 3000+ courses across a wide variety of subjects in parntership with different universities and organizations.

Course by

  • self
    Self paced
  • domain
    Domain Personal Development
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription
    Course is included in
    1. Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
    2. Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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    Buy Now Option not available
  • language
    Language Chinese