Race, Gender, and Culture

Race, Gender, and Culture

أبرز محتويات الدورة

This course will explore baseball through the lenses of race, gender, and culture. For good and for ill, baseball has been at the forefront of how the United States has dealt with these issues. Does baseball leading the way with desegregation negate that the sport was at the forefront of segregation with its Gentlemen’s Agreements? What is the historical legacy of baseball providing opportunities for women during wartime, in a way that other North American professional sports leagues did not? These are some of the ideas that this course will explore as it shows baseball’s virtues and flaws.

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الطبع بواسطة

  • self
    التعلم الذاتي
  • dueration
    المدة 10 ساعات
  • domain
    الاختصاص الفنون والعلوم الإنسانية
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription
    Course is included in
    1. الباقة الإبتدائية @ AED 99 + VAT
    2. الباقة الاحترافية @ AED 149 + VAT
  • fee
    Buy Now Option not available
  • language
    اللغة الإنكليزية