Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence

أبرز محتويات الدورة

This course gives you the background needed to gain Cybersecurity skills as part of the Cybersecurity Security Analyst Professional Certificate program. You will understand network defensive tactics, define network access control and use network monitoring tools. You will understand data protection risks and explore mobile endpoint protection. Finally you will recognize various scanning technologies, application security vulnerabilities and threat intelligence platforms. This course also gives you hands on access to cybersecurity tools important to a system analyst. This course is intended for anyone who wants to gain a basic understanding of Cybersecurity or as the sixth course in a series of courses to acquire the skills to work in the Cybersecurity field as a Cybersecurity Analyst. The completion of this course also makes you eligible to earn the Cyber Threat Intelligence IBM digital badge. In this course, you will learn to: - Describe examples of network defensive tactics. - Discuss data loss prevention and endpoint protection concepts and tools. - Explore a data loss prevention tool and learn how to classify data in your database environment. - Describe security vulnerability scanning technologies and tools. - Recognize application security threats and common vulnerabilities. - Identify the key concepts around threat intelligence. - Explore a SIEM product and review suspicious alerts and how to take action.

حول مقدم الدورة

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الطبع بواسطة

  • self
    التعلم الذاتي
  • dueration
    المدة 25 ساعات
  • domain
    الاختصاص تقنية المعلومات وعلوم الحاسب
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription
    Course is included in
    1. الباقة الإبتدائية @ AED 99 + VAT
    2. الباقة الاحترافية @ AED 149 + VAT
  • fee
    Buy Now AED 170.99 + VAT
  • language
    اللغة الإنكليزية