Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter

Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter

أبرز محتويات الدورة

If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course is your third step down that path. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of game design, including an understanding of level design, game balancing, prototyping, and playtesting, as well as game asset creation techniques. You will continue developing video games using industry standard game development tools, including the Unity 2020 game engine. At the end of the course you will have completed a 3D First-Person Shooter game, and will be able to leverage an array of game development techniques to create your own basic games.

حول مقدم الدورة

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الطبع بواسطة

  • self
    التعلم الذاتي
  • dueration
    المدة 14 ساعات
  • domain
    الاختصاص تقنية المعلومات وعلوم الحاسب
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription
    Course is included in
    1. الباقة الإبتدائية @ AED 99 + VAT
    2. الباقة الاحترافية @ AED 149 + VAT
  • fee
    Buy Now Option not available
  • language
    اللغة الإنكليزية