Design an App with Mockitt

Design an App with Mockitt

أبرز محتويات الدورة

What was the app that you used today? Picture it in your mind, and now think about how that app was developed. You use apps in your everyday life. Now is the chance for you to experience the process an app goes through to be developed. In this project, you will use Wondershare Mockitt to design and develop an app, going from a prototype to an app that you can share with others.

حول مقدم الدورة

Coursera provides access to more than 3000+ courses across a wide variety of subjects in parntership with different universities and organizations.

الطبع بواسطة

  • self
    التعلم الذاتي
  • dueration
    المدة 1 ساعات
  • domain
    الاختصاص التطوير الشخصي
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription Option not available
  • fee
    Buy Now مجاني
  • language
    اللغة الإنكليزية