User Strategy Development with Wardley Maps in Miro

User Strategy Development with Wardley Maps in Miro

أبرز محتويات الدورة

By the end of this project, you will be able to develop a user strategy by producing a Wardley map. To do this, you will leverage a Wardley map to identify dependencies in the value chain so a business can mitigate project risk in the Miro online visual collaboration platform for teamwork. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

حول مقدم الدورة

Coursera provides access to more than 3000+ courses across a wide variety of subjects in parntership with different universities and organizations.

الطبع بواسطة

  • self
    التعلم الذاتي
  • dueration
    المدة 3 ساعات
  • domain
    الاختصاص التطوير الشخصي
  • subs
    Monthly Subscription Option not available
  • fee
    Buy Now مجاني
  • language
    اللغة الإنكليزية