Our Courses

Building React Application using ASP.NET MVC5

Building React Application using ASP.NET MVC5

The Building React Application using ASP.NET MVC5 course is designed to teach developers how to build scalable and efficient web applications using the React JS library and the ASP.NET MVC5 framework.
Participants will also learn how to integrate React JS into their ASP.NET MVC5 web applications, taking advantage of the framework's features such as server-side rendering and routing.
This course is best suitable for people with prior experience in web development with React and familiarity with ASP.NET technologies.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 20 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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International Business Environment

International Business Environment

This course explores the international business environment in which organisations function. You’ll learn about core analysis methods, including PESTLE, SWOT, and Boston Box Matrices, as well as the applications of Porter’s Five Forces. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in discussion forums and access case studies, as well as testing your understanding in quizzes.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Product Development using AutoCAD

Product Development using AutoCAD

By the end of this 1-hour long project-based course, you will be able to design and draw 2D products customized to fit your needs using AutoCAD Design.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 3 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Option not available
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  • Free
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Chinese for HSK 1

Chinese for HSK 1

Nǐ hǎo! 你好!Welcome to Chinese for HSK Level 1 - a Chinese course for beginners. My name is YU Bin. I am very happy to meet you here!
HSK stands for Hànyǔ (Chinese) Shuǐpíng (level) Kǎoshì (test), which is the most important Chinese proficiency test in use today. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using Chinese in their daily, academic and professional lives.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 37 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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International B2B (Business to Business) Marketing

International B2B (Business to Business) Marketing

This course offers a unique perspective into the differentiating aspects of business to business (B2B) marketing that can be contrasted to traditional business to consumer (B2C) marketing that is the subject of most other marketing curricula. Moreover, as one of the courses in the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth, here too there is an emphasis on how companies can expand by cross-country and cross-industry innovation.
By taking this course learners will obtain the following outcomes:

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Create a singly linked list of simple data using Java

Create a singly linked list of simple data using Java

In this project, the learner will create a singly-linked list where each node stores simple data (like name and age).

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 2 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Option not available
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  • Free
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Health Information Technology Fundamentals

Health Information Technology Fundamentals

In this course you will receive an overview of the health IT ecosystem with a specific focus on the role of electronic health records (EHRs). You’ll be introduced to the factors that contributed to the move from paper records to digitized records and who the most common vendors are. We’ll go over features of EHRs such as computerized provider order entry, clinical decision support, documentation capabilities, and medication reconciliation. Like a physician’s stethoscope, the EHR has become an important tool in healthcare delivery and plays a part throughout the patient’s journey.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 6 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Introduction to Widgets for Data Science

Introduction to Widgets for Data Science

In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn what are widgets, how they can used for data science work, types of widgets, linking multiple widgets, basic dashboards of widgets and creating child widgets.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 3 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Option not available
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  • Free
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Foundations of Computer Science

Foundations of Computer Science

Welcome to Introduction to Programming: Visual Basic. In the course sequence you will learn to write programs that utilize both procedural and object oriented techniques to solve business problems. In the first course in the sequence we will provide you with a solid foundation in the computer science topics that are important to understand when programming Visual Basic. In courses two through four, we will role up our sleeves and start coding in Visual Basic. In these courses you need to have access to a computer that is running Windows, macOS or Linux with the .NET 5 installed.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 16 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1

Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1

This class presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts used in elementary data analysis. It will be taught at an introductory level for students with junior or senior college-level mathematical training including a working knowledge of calculus. A small amount of linear algebra and programming are useful for the class, but not required.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 13 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Use Python Unit Test to Demonstrate TDD

Use Python Unit Test to Demonstrate TDD

By the end of this project, you will use the python unittest package to create an application using test-driven development (TDD).

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 2 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Option not available
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  • Free
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Arctic Economy

Arctic Economy

Arctic communities have diverse histories and roles in local, regional and global economies. However, the scope and scale of globalization has increased so quickly that vulnerable Arctic communities are facing new kinds of challenges to their survival. In this 3-week MOOC, a unique collaboration between the University of Alberta and UiT The Arctic University of Norway, you will investigate the challenges faced by Indigenous, North American, Russian and Nordic Arctic communities in a modern world.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 6 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Adapt your leadership style

Adapt your leadership style

Why are organisational misbehaviours such as cynicism, apathy, bullying and disengagement increasingly prevalent in the workplace? This course examines these tensions and how transformational, authentic and inclusive leadership styles offer an alternative to the more autocratic, job-centred and controlling leadership styles of the past. You’ll learn how the digital revolution, along with an increased focus on projects and teamwork, has dramatically altered the perception of leadership in a way that now demands all organisational members take on some form of self-leadership.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 32 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA Software

Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA Software

This course will introduce you to MAXQDA software for easier data analysis during the qualitative research process. You'll explore how to do memos, variables, segmentation, coding, and data reduction techniques all in this course!

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 16 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Being Smart about Cycling Futures

Being Smart about Cycling Futures

What is the future of cycling in our cities that struggle to transition to more sustainable and inclusive forms of mobility? What is the role of innovation in ensuring that cycling becomes easier, safer and more accessible for different groups of people? What are Great Bikes and what are Great Cycling Cities?

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 23 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Enhancing User Interactivity in Looker with Liquid

Enhancing User Interactivity in Looker with Liquid

This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab you will use Liquid parameters and templated filters to enhance interactivity by users in Looker.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1 hour
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud en Français

Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud en Français

Dans ce cours en auto-formation, les participants étudient des solutions d'atténuation des attaques pouvant survenir en de nombreux points d'une infrastructure basée sur Google Cloud, telles que des attaques par déni de service distribué (DDoS) ou par hameçonnage, ou des menaces liées à la classification et à l'utilisation de contenu. Ils découvriront également Security Command Center, Cloud Logging et les journaux d'audit, ainsi que l'utilisation de Forseti pour connaître l'état de conformité global avec les stratégies de sécurité de l'organisation.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Chinese for HSK 3 PART I

Chinese for HSK 3 PART I

大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 3 course. This is CHEN Li and LU Yun, and we are very happy to meet you here!
Chinese for HSK 3 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues and passages; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 60 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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U.S. Health Law Fundamentals

U.S. Health Law Fundamentals

This course explores how statutes, regulations, common law, and market forces help or hinder three major goals of policy makers: increasing access, reducing cost, and improving quality. We will examine the Supreme Court’s rulings on the ACA and other legal aspects of modern health care reform.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Introduction to AI in the Data Center

Introduction to AI in the Data Center

Welcome to the Introduction to AI in the Data Center Course!
As you know, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is transforming society in many ways.
From speech recognition to improved supply chain management, AI technology provides enterprises with the compute power, tools, and algorithms their teams need to do their life’s work.
But how does AI work in a Data Center? What hardware and software infrastructure are needed?
These are some of the questions that this course will help you address.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 5 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Security Operations

Security Operations

Welcome to course 5 of 5 of this Specialization, Security Operations.
This course focuses our attention on the day-to-day, moment-by-moment active use of the security controls and risk mitigation strategies that an organization has in place. We will explore ways to secure the data and the systems they reside on, and how to encourage secure practices among people who interact with the data and systems during their daily duties.
After completing this course, the participant will be able to: 
Explain concepts of security operations.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 8 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Introduction to Digital Transformation Part 2

Introduction to Digital Transformation Part 2

This course was designed to further your understanding of digital transformation so you can leverage digitization to improve business function performance. You'll learn how to build out your core digital infrastructure, with a focus on cloud computing, data integrity and digital platforms. You'll explore how digitization is transforming various business functions and organization units and learn how to

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 4 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Formal Financial Accounting

Formal Financial Accounting

This course builds upon what you learned in Financial Accounting: Foundations and Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics and introduces you to formal foundations of financial accounting. The main purpose of the course is to familiarize you with technical terms in financial accounting, such as debit, credit and T-account. While knowledge on technical aspects of financial accounting is not necessary to understand and interpret financial statements, this knowledge is critical to be able to understand advanced topics in accounting.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics

Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics

This introductory physical chemistry course examines the connections between molecular properties and the behavior of macroscopic chemical systems.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 21 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Bootstrap 3 Tutorial

Bootstrap 3 Tutorial

Start learning Bootstrap 3 with the W3Schools course to improve your Web Development skills. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. This is a…

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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