Our Courses

Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales

Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales

Finding local solutions to global challenges relies on collaboration & innovation. Equip yourself with the knowledge & skills to design and implement effective landscape governance that harnesses the power of place for sustainable landscape solutions.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes

Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes

There is no planet B. It's time to take effective climate action for which collaboration and innovation are key. This online course will boost your knowledge and skills to help you move from analysis to action in order to develop climate smart landscapes across the world.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 18
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Food and Nutrition Security in Urbanising Landscapes

Food and Nutrition Security in Urbanising Landscapes

Our landscapes are urbanizing, which has a serious impact on food and nutrition. Learn to look beyond the sectoral and administrative boundaries of your work and see how the rural and the urban connect around food. Look at your landscape from a spatial and integrated food systems perspective to identify key counterparts with whom to collaborate and break the rural-urban divide. Join Wageningen University & Research and start creating food and nutrition security (“FNS”) in your landscape. Enroll now!

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Introduction to Online Education & Course Planning

Introduction to Online Education & Course Planning

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 12
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Learning Activities & Assessment

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 20
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Content & Engagement

Content & Engagement

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Design, Build, & Implement

Design, Build, & Implement

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 14
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Learn foundational programming concepts (e.g., functions, for loops, conditional statements) and how to solve problems like a programmer. In addition, learn basic web development as you build web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. By the end of the course, will create a web page where others can upload their images and apply image filters that you create.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Think critically about how to solve a problem using programming;\n2. Write JavaScript programs using functions, for loops, and conditional statements;\n3.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 33 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation

Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation

In this course you will learn how to use key finance principles to understand and measure business success and to identify and promote true value creation. You will learn how to use accounting information to form key financial ratios to measure a company’s financial health and to manage a company's short-term and long-term liquidity needs. You will also learn how to use valuation techniques to make sound business investment and acquisition decisions.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 24 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design

Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5361, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.\n\nHardware Description Languages for Logic Design enables students to design circuits using VHDL and Verilog, the most widespread design methods for FPGA Design. It uses natural learning processes to make learning the languages easy. Simple first examples are presented, then language rules and syntax, followed by more complex examples, and then finally use of test bench simulations to verify correctness of the designs.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 36 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Software Product Management Capstone

Software Product Management Capstone

In this six-week capstone course, you will gain practical management experience in a safe, simulated software production setting. You will apply Agile practices and techniques to conquer industry-inspired challenges. Interacting with a realistic client, you will discern what they want and express what they truly need in software requirements to drive software production. Upon completing the capstone, you will be prepared to advance your career as a confident software product management professional.

  • Course by
  • 19 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

In this course, you learn more about SAS Visual Analytics and the SAS Viya platform, how to access and investigate data in SAS Visual Analytics, and how to prepare data for analysis using SAS Data Studio.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 5 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 345 + VAT
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Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing in Data Science Applications

Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing in Data Science Applications

This course will focus on theory and implementation of hypothesis testing, especially as it relates to applications in data science. Students will learn to use hypothesis tests to make informed decisions from data. Special attention will be given to the general logic of hypothesis testing, error and error rates, power, simulation, and the correct computation and interpretation of p-values.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 37 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Relationship Management

Relationship Management

To be a successful engineer, you must work and play well with others. This course focuses on developing the skills you will need to build and sustain professional relationships and networks. Learn to coach and mentor others, manage conflict and build power and influence in the workplace.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 23 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 274.99 + VAT
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Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors

Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors

"Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors" can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5342, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.\n\nThis is our third course in our specialization on Embedding Sensor and Motors. To get the most out of this course, you should first take our first course entitled Sensors and Sensor Circuits. Our first course gives you a tutorial on how to use the hardware and software development kit we have chosen for the lab exercises.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 24 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants

Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants

Understanding who your customers are and what they need and want is at the heart of successful marketing strategies. In this course you will explore how to identify and classify customers and the different methods that marketing professionals use to shed light on how they make purchase decisions.\n\nThe course will cover the following:\n1. Marketing Fundamentals\n2. Product, Pricing and Channel Decisions \n3. Building Strong Brands \n4. Communication Strategy

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Agile Meets Design Thinking

Agile Meets Design Thinking

Despite everyone's good intentions, hard work and solid ideas, too many teams end up creating products that no one wants, no one can use, and no one buys. But it doesn't have to be this way. Agile and design thinking offer a different--and effective--approach to product development, one that results in valuable solutions to meaningful problems. In this course, you’ll learn how to determine what's valuable to a user early in the process--to frontload value--by focusing your team on testable narratives about the user and creating a strong shared perspective.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 9 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Challenges of Leading Technical Teams

Challenges of Leading Technical Teams

Great Leaders lead by example. They protect their team members, empower them, and help them to improve and grow while the team members, in turn, help the organization improve and grow. Working together with the team, they envision what the organization could be and inspire others to help execute the strategy that will take them there.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 9 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Techniques of Design-Oriented Analysis

Techniques of Design-Oriented Analysis

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5706, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.\n\nThis is Course #2 in the Modeling and Control of Power Electronics course sequence. The course is focused on techniques of design-oriented analysis that allow you to quickly gain insights into models of switching power converters and to translate these insights into practical converter designs. The design-oriented techniques covered are the Extra Element Theorem and the N-Extra Element Theorem (N-EET).

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 12 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior

Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior

All goods and services are subject to scarcity at some level, which requires that society develop some allocation mechanism to determine who gets what. Over recorded history, these allocation rules were usually command based, meaning that the king or the emperor would decide. In contemporary times, most countries have turned to market-based allocation systems. In markets, prices act as rationing devices, encouraging or discouraging production and encouraging or discouraging consumption to find an equilibrium allocation of resources.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 17 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Understanding Financial Statements: Company Position

Understanding Financial Statements: Company Position

This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of financial statements with an emphasis on the balance sheet. However, to understand accounting driven financial statements, it is important to recognize that accounting is less about counting and more about measuring. “What is it that is being measured?” Well, as the course unfolds, you will learn about the three measurement questions and how the balance sheet helps to answer the first two of these questions.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 13 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Robotics: Aerial Robotics

Robotics: Aerial Robotics

How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered indoor and outdoor environments? You will gain an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots and will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize planners for operating in three dimensional environments. You will be exposed to the challenges of using noisy sensors for localization and maneuvering in complex, three-dimensional environments.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 18 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Real-Time Project for Embedded Systems

Real-Time Project for Embedded Systems

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5318, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.\n\nThe final course emphasizes hands-on building of an application using real-time machine vision and multiple real-time services to synchronize the internal state of Linux with an external clock via observation. Compare actual performance to theoretical and analysis to determine scheduling jitter and to mitigate any accumulation of latency.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 49 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People

Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People

Peter Drucker, a pioneer in the field of management, once said that people have a perverse tendency to behave like human beings. Of course, we are not machines, and certainly not programmable. But through the study of organizational behavior, we can gain insights into what makes people tick within a work context.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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Introduction to Programming in Swift 5

Introduction to Programming in Swift 5

Welcome to Introduction to Programming in Swift 5.\n\nIn this course we will introduce you to the absolute basics of the Swift programming language.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 11 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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  • AED 344.99 + VAT
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